What Are The Benefits Of Tenant Access?

The Advantages of Using Property Tree’s Online Portals:

Reduces the consumption of paper:

Provides crucial information and documents regarding the leased property to your clients used to entail printing hundreds of papers for statements, receipts, invoices, and so on. The Property Tree owner and tenant access allow you to store a large amount of documentation- and the expenses and effort that come with printing and mailing them – by providing renters and owners access to these files. It’s also great news for your clients, who may now choose to limit the number of paper documents they get from you and live a clutter-free existence.

Add self-service choices:

Tenants may pay rent and make maintenance requests online without visiting the office.

Improve transparency:

Online portals allow tenants and owners to log in and safely analyse information pertinent to them.

Reduce the number of incoming calls you answer:

With convenient mobile access to examine account data and do more online, tenants and owners won’t have to call the office as frequently.

Maintain the competition:

Don’t pass on potential tenants who want simple tenant access and services that your rivals may already provide.

Signalling a Lease is Simple and accessible:

Through online tenant portals, tenants may now sign their leases from the comfort of their own homes. It is perfect for initial leases for long-distance renters getting ready to move and tenants who renew their leases. Tenants can also access their leases at any time. They can examine lease terms and conditions without contacting you or viewing their rental documents. If they want to bargain or have a query regarding their lease, it’s easy to uncover particular concerns.

Increased Communication:

Like other online portal systems, tenant portals provide a direct messaging mechanism that all parties may employ. However, this contact happens between the property management and the renter. These communications behave more like conversations than emails. You don’t have to waste time chasing down communications from a week ago using the systems. Additionally, the portal provides documents such as bills through SMS and email notifications.

More Efficient Maintenance Requests:

Speaking of effective communication, having an online portal would make maintenance requests a snap. Many renters may avoid requesting repairs if they find it difficult to reach their landlord. You may overlook maintenance requests as a landlord if you only get them via phone or email. Tenants can make demands at any time of day or night when they use internet portals. You’ll notice the requests straight immediately, allowing renters to have problems done quickly. It means happier renters and a well-kept property for you!

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