Finding email from LinkedIn: Three ways to get results

Not all users of the social network LinkedIn open their data. For marketers, this is a very unpleasant feature of the popular social network among professionals. Then finding email from LinkedIn turns into a real quest. But it is still possible to emerge victorious from this game. Spending effort on finding a specific email makes sense for three reasons:

– The contact is very important to business and getting a big contract depends on this decision;

– the contact’s email was previously used for ongoing communication and stopped working after a certain point – perhaps the email just changed, and the owner of the email did not report the new address;

– email can serve as the key to mailing or making contact on another level, which will bring a solution to a business problem.

To find the email, you can use a service like Reply. Here you can get accurate information about the client and in addition, automate the mailing list, get a lot of other useful options. And all these services have a reasonable rate.

There are other, manual ways to search for data. Among these ways, there are at least three of the most rational and quite successful.

Chrome to help us: the all-in-one search tool

Different Chrome extensions, email search tools and email verification tools use their own databases and quality algorithms. If one method yielded an email address that didn’t work, try another.

Either way, if that contact is in business, they will leave their coordinates in the presentation, account information or elsewhere. But to do that, you’ll have to go all the way down the chain of the client’s email world.

Searching parallel social networks

Data from LinkedIn is very useful for finding information on other social networks. You can also simply go to a company’s official Web site. Surprisingly, there is a lot of interesting information on official sources, especially in various press releases, documents, messages. And there are sometimes hidden email addresses of specific employees. They are listed for contact and direct dialogue with partners after a product presentation or for other purposes.

Even a basic search with a search engine like Google by a person’s name also yields results. But it is not so much the email address that is found there (although that too), but rather information about a personal site or a site where the person is mentioned. Then it’s just a matter of going to the site and looking for the email address. In any case, it will be in the data about the owner of the site, which will be the company’s employee in question. This Whois data necessarily contains information about the owner’s email address.

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